Base of operations (headquarters)
Who we are
AJEEC NISPED, founded by the Israel coop movement, is specialized in the development of cooperatives with a focus on the strong correlation between the business management and community development aspects as a prerequisite for the success of a cooperative. We help cooperatives to have both a positive social impact and a commercial success. We act as knowledge center for the Israeli Cooperative movement sharing our experience and expertise through programs and projects designed to support the successful establishment and management of cooperatives in the world.
What we do
Topics for training courses include but are not limited to:
- Introduction to international cooperative and rural community development;
- Integration of farmers into cooperative frameworks;
- Roles of small businesses and cooperatives in the development of villages;
- Connecting regional manufacturers to the global marketplace;
- Introduction to models from Israel and the international arena;
- Women’s Empowerment as a mean to Community and Coop Development;
- Community and Coop resilience and emergency preparedness;
- Community and Coop development on the edge of the desert.
Geographic scope
Americas – Haiti, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala
Asia-Pacific – China, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Jordan, Palestine (State of)
Africa – Cameroon, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, Nigeria, South Sudan, Congo (DRC), Zambia
Bilateral Aid/Government agencies: USAID, MASHAV (Center for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel), IsraAID
Foundations: Glazer Foundation, The Rayne foundation, JCF, JDC, PEARS Foundation, BADER Foundation
Multilateral Aid: UN, FAO , EU International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), CEDP – Cooperative Europe Development Project, ICADP, The cooperative branch of the ILO , The Israeli cooperative movement Ben Gurion University