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Enhancing Member Based Organization Role in the Social Economy

Period of Implementation

January 2020 - December 2022

Geographic scope

Africa: Côte d'Ivoire


$ 680,000
€ 647 619


Foundations: WeEffect


Agriculture & Fisheries, Banking & Financial Services, Rural Development

Type of Activity

Budget support (Grants or Direct Financing), Institutional Building and Policy Dialogue, Networking, Training & Capacity Building, Value Chains / Socioeconomic Circuits


19.079 family member (9.726 male and 9.353 female) during 2020 – 2022 as indirect beneficiaries. 64 service enhanced/initiated for the cooperatives. Women increased the social participation together through visits, participation in different social occasions, granting the money from social fund to needed parties. 32 internal system/plans developed and used. Total 3.417 women member benefited from the program. 196 persons trained on different topics of institutional and business issues. Enhancing the product of honey creams for Jenin Beekeepers Cooperative. Enhancing the production place for 4 cooperatives in 2021. 11 products improved standards in 2019 and 2020. 3 new products enter the market in 2021. 11 marketing contracts during 2022 for cooperatives to internal and external parties. Savings of all groups during their current cycle in 2022 is 3,233,250 ILS (994,846 USD). Total credit: 1,805,830 ILS (555,640 USD) from around 160 groups in 2022. Beside loans of 140,000 USD to coops during 2020-2022. Advocacy and coordination meeting with decision makers (mainly Ministry of Finance) had been conducted during 2022 regarding the tax refund for farmers.

Project Objectives

Participating civil society organizations are strengthened to address the needs and rights of their members and communities (through cpacity building, business dev., access to fincance, environamntal friendly practices)

Impact on SDGs

SDG1 - No Poverty
SDG2 - Zero Hunger
SDG8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG15 - Life on Land

Main Indicators

No. of internal system/plans developed and used.
% increase in volume of credits received by women
No. of business initiated / enhanced
No. products/services improved
No. of Adaptive techniques- climate change and environmentally friendly initiatives-demonstrated and disseminated

Impact Measurement

Monitoring forums, satisfaction surveys, progress reports, baseline-endline surveys

Direct beneficiaries

Organisations: 146

Individuals: 3140

Local stakeholders

AL Ibdaa Cooperative for Agricultural Processing, Beekeepers Cooperative Society of Jenin governorate, Deir Sharaf Charitable Society, Burbarah Women Charitable Society, Jenin Women Self-help Group, Tubas Cooperative for Investement Services, Kofor Allabad Consumer Coperative, Beit Emmouas Cooperative for Food processing, Batteir Agricultural Cooperative, Baqah Al Sharqiah Cooperative for Agricultural Services, Al Aqrabaniah women socity, Yassouf Cooperative for Olive press and Marketing olive oil, Dora Cooperative for Agricultural Processing, Turathona Al Aseel Women Socity, Bezzaria Cooperative for Mutual Benefit, Al Noemeh Cooperative, 130 Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLAs)

Key Tags

Environment, Food Security, Informal economy