Cooperative Development Program (CDP)

Cooperative Development Organisation
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Guinea
Asia-Pacific: Philippines
Bilateral Aid: USAID
Type of Activity
This CDP initiatives which runs from October 2021 to September 2026 involves three separate but interlinked components, an HQ learning and outreach component and country projects in Guinea and the Philippines. In Guinea, CDP will build on the current Siguiri Agriculture Development Activity (SADA) funded by USAID and the Société Anglogold Ashanti de Guinee to deepen and expand producer organization (PO) capacity with a goal towards formalization into inclusive cooperatives with improved business performance for increased sustainability and livelihood opportunities. These activities will build on learning from SADA that shows deficits in group formalization, literacy and gender, and social inclusion but a strong culture and history of forming groups and associations for economic and social activities. In the Philippines CDP’s goals are ambitious and include no less than a transformation of the agri-coop sector through dedicated and targeted support to key cooperative APEX organizations, at least 35 member cooperatives and the establishment of 10 cooperatives as Regional Development Hubs able to serve as practical vehicles for promoting self-reliance, economic development, and social justice to achieve inclusive growth. The final, but no less important program component, seeks to build ACDI/VOCA’s knowledge and expertise in the tools, approaches, and methodology surrounding cooperative development and to share this knowledge with the greater CDO community under the umbrella of USAID CDP and the U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC). The learning and sharing agenda uses areas of strength within ACDI/VOCA including the Volunteer Program, the Technical Learning and Application (TLA) department and demonstrated thought leadership in cooperative development and inclusive market systems.
Project Objectives
The main objectives of CDP Guinea and the Philippines fall under three (3) main Components: Component I: Cooperative Business Model Knowledge and Awareness Engage with the cooperative development community to share knowledge and experience of different cooperative models Contribute to learning within the cooperative and development communities and with ACDI/VOCA Component II: Guinea Cooperative Strengthening for cashew sector development Build producer organization capacity to improve cashew quality and volumes, strengthen market linkages, and create clear market incentives in coordination with previous USAID initiatives Expand and strengthen Village Savings and Loan Activity pilot initiatives and facilitate linkages with MFIs Strengthen Producer Groups to participate in and benefit from expanded and inclusive economic opportunities through a cooperative model Component III: Philippines Agri-Based Cooperatives As Rural Developments Hubs Strengthen key APex organizations in the Cooperative sector (AgriCOOPH) to provide more effective member services and support Improve the governance and financial management of at least 35 cooperatives and other agribusiness in Mindanao and Luzon. Identify and Strength at least 10 Cooperatives to function as Rural Development Hubs
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
2. Number of organizations using CDP developed tools and resources to benefit cooperatives and cooperative systems
3. Number of individuals participating in USG supported Activity
4. Percent (%) of active members of participating organizations that are female
5. Number of by-laws drafted, revised, proposed or adopted to promote gender equality, youth, and/or inclusiveness in CDP participating organizations as a result of USG support
Impact Measurement
2. Annual Surveys
3. Specialized Learning Studies
4. Program Evaluations
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 107
Individuals: 16727