Economia Solidaria, The cooperative model for the strengthening of small farmers and for the valorisation of the work of young women

Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Cape Verde
Foundations: CEI – Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
Type of Activity
To promote economic and social development in the municipalities of Praia, S. Miguel Tarrafal, São Domingo, São Lourenço dos Órgãos, Santa Cruz and Ribeira Grande Santiago on the island of Santiago in Cape Verde, increase knowledge of the cooperative model, promote employment and improve the living conditions of vulnerable youth and women.Promoting the application of cooperative principles for economic development through: - Training and capacity building of local leaders and the trainers of the centres for service and employment centres on the cooperative model as an example of development and how to improve productive capacity through cooperative enterprises, - Training and mentoring in the creation of cooperative enterprises for young people and women trained in creative tailoring, - Training and strengthening of information and service centres that serve producers producers already working in cooperatives and producers interested in opening new cooperative enterprises, - Communication campaign on the principles of cooperativism and the the benefits of cooperative enterprises through local informal information channels (WEB TV, Radio).
Project Objectives
The project aims to promote an inclusive and sustainable integral rural development in Cape Verde, getting over the central issues of the country, principally linked to the effects of climate change. The current proposal for intervention therefore looks forward to a participatory value chain approach on three components: 1. management of natural resources 2. production and market 3. cooperative and associative organization with a gender perspective reflected in a specific result.This kind of approach, strongly participatory, is that of the "Climate Resilient Value Chains", an intervention based on the fruit and vegetable and dairy production chains. The target area are the islands of Santiago and Fogo, the two poorest regions of Cape Verde. The method is based on a gradual process of learning and growth opportunities in which small producers, including young people and women, can find employment and professional opportunities in the world of rural development, filling niche markets and responding to market demand.
Impact on SDGs
Direct beneficiaries
Individuals: 650