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Enhanced livelihoods and value chains for farmers’ organizations in Mozambique and Tanzania

Farmer's meeting in Mozambique
Credit: FFD

Cooperative Development Organisation

Implementing Partners and Organisations

Aniwanana Kanvanhiana Comercial (AKA) and Njombe Agricultural Development Organization (NADO)

Period of Implementation

January 2019 - December 2021

Geographic scope

Africa: Mozambique, Tanzania

Cities: Njombe district of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania and Mocuba, Mocubela and Maganja da Costa districts
of Zambezia Province of Mozambique


$ 278,530
€ 255 754


Bilateral Aid: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland


Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Rural Development

Type of Activity

Administrative and support service activities, Institutional Building and Policy Dialogue, Technical Assistance & Advisory, Training & Capacity Building, Value Chains / Socioeconomic Circuits


In Mozambique, the project focused on i) AKA’s improved organizational capacity, ii) members’ improved climate-smart agricultural production capacities and iii) members’ improved skills in agricultural value chain development. Member services improved considerably during the project. Members were trained in e.g. finance, nutrition, husbandry and busiess skills. Members’ production and management capacity increased during the project. 97 members (64 male, 33 female) were trained on agricultural diversification to reduce their risk to climate change. 14 AKA staff were trained on climate change adaptation and mitigation. A total of 1756 farmers (793 male, 963 female) adopted climate smart practices. Members engaged in value chain activities increased to 1756 (793 male, 963 female). Due to the repair of AKA’s mill and storage roof, AKA is now able to produce corn flower and store it until the market price is favorable. AKA has also leased some of the storage area to gain more income.

In Tanzania, the project focused on i) enhancing NADO organizational capacity in climate change and enhancing services to members, ii) improving farmers’ production capacities primarily through Good Agricultural Practices and iii) strengthening farmers’ position in the value chain through market linkages and certified production. A total of 13 still serving staff members of NADO were capacitated in climate change adaptation and mitigation and NADO prepared a climate risk adaptation and mitigation plan for potato production. 2166 (1016 male, 1150 female) farmers, constituting 80 farmer groups, were trained in Good Agricultural Practices whose adoption increased potato yields by 150% and reduced post-harvest losses by 46%. Half of the project farmers adopted quality inspection for their crop. With the project intervention the beneficiary farmers more than doubled their income from potato production which enabled them to invest in children’s’ schooling, housing and other basic needs. 

Project Objectives

strengthening the organizational capacity of the farmer's organizations for them to be able to better serve their members for improved and resilient livelihoods through agricultural production.

Impact on SDGs

SDG1 - No Poverty
SDG2 - Zero Hunger
SDG8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG13 - Climate Action

Main Indicators

% increase of the income of members (M & F, total)
% increase in the area of land (ha) under sustainable agricultural production practices
% producers with diversified production (cereals, vegetables and meat)
No. of farms with integrated farming system

Direct beneficiaries

Organisations: 2

Individuals: 3922

Local stakeholders

Aniwanana Kanvanhiana Comercial (AKA) and Njombe Agricultural Development Organization (NADO)

Key Tags

Entrepreneurship, Environment, Food Security