Malawi Strengthening Inclusive Markets for Agriculture
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Malawi
Bilateral Aid: USDA
Type of Activity
Project focused on increasing the agriculture productivity and expanding trade of agricultural products in Malawi-- focused in the horticulture sector. The project resulted in 39,744 farmers reached (55% women and 43% youth), 54% increased in yields of targeted crops, 99.5% of farmers applied at least one new technology, and 484,554m3 of improved storage capacity
Project Objectives
The project focused on facilitating increased incomes and improved livelihoods for actors up and down the value chain in Malawi’s fruits and vegetable sector through a two-pronged approach: 1) Increasing agricultural productivity in the fruit and vegetable sector by expanding the availabilityof improved inputs, improving infrastructure to support on-farm production, and training farmers on improved agricultural techniques and technologies. 2) Expanding trade of agricultural products in the fruit and vegetable sector by training producers and processors on improved post-production processes, facilitating improved linkages between buyers and sellers, and improving market and trade infrastructure.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 245
Individuals: 39744