Resilient Agricultural Markets Activity - Beira Coordior (RAMA-BC)

Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Mozambique
Cities: Manica, Sofala, Tete
Bilateral Aid: USAID
Type of Activity
USAID Feed the Future and Resilient Agricultural Markets Activity – Beira Corridor (RAMA-BC) has supported local producers to increase agricultural productivity, profitability, and resilience. RAMA-BC promotes adoption of sustainable and affordable agricultural technologies and practices through support for and facilitation of private sector engagement to test and develop profitable business models that deliver relevant information, inputs, market links, and finance. The project operates in nine districts in Manica and Sofala provinces. RAMA-BC consists of four components: Behavior Change Communication (BCC) - development and implementation of a comprehensive BCC strategy, multimedia campaign, and local promotion through private partners and civil society. Model Family Farms (MFF) - provision of technical assistance services through a network of community-based demonstration fields and one-hectare Observation Units (OU) (based in agricultural colleges). Sustainable Extension Services - strengthening of private extension services through Model Family Farms and local and community-based service providers, in coordination with public extension services networks. Strengthened Market Systems - tailored technical assistance to private sector partners and assistance to ignite innovation in the agricultural sector.
Project Objectives
Equitably increase agricultural productivity and climate resilience by increasing adoption of CSA technologies and practices
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 62
Individuals: 39523