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Resilient Communities: supporting vulnerable and affected Palestinian communities

Cooperative Development Organisation

Implementing Partners and Organisations

Northern Valley Agricultural Cooperative and Al jeftlek Agricultural Cooperative
Oxfam, BMZ

Period of Implementation

July 2021 - June 2025

Geographic scope

Asia-Pacific: Palestine (State of)


$ 18,900
€ 18 000


Multilateral Aid: Multilateral Aid


Rural Development, Social, Trade

Type of Activity

Administrative and support service activities, Training & Capacity Building, Value Chains / Socioeconomic Circuits


Resilient Communities: Supporting vulnerable and affected Palestinian communities to transition to more resilient, sustainable, and equitable economic growth in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley. The project targets small farmers in the Jordan Valley and Gaza Strip, women, youth, and men. Two agricultural cooperatives were targeted in the Jordan Valley A mechanically propelled pesticide sprayer was provided to each cooperative 1) Helps small farmers control pests 2) Reduce pest control costs 3) Benefit as many small farmers as possible 4) Strengthening the role of the agricultural cooperative 5) It helps improve product quality 6) Contributes to the organization of farmers within the agricultural cooperative 7) Contributes to protecting farmers from exposure to pesticides during pest control 8) It saves time and fatigue 9) Provides income for the cooperative to contribute to the service of members in various other fields

Project Objectives

Improving the access of small farmers to agricultural water sources Reducing agricultural water losses Reducing agricultural water pollution Helping small farmers manage their farms under the impact of climate change Improving people's access to drinking water Reducing wastage of drinking water Helping agricultural and women's cooperative societies

Impact on SDGs

SDG6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG17 - Partnership for The Goals

Main Indicators

1) At least 50% of targeted 8.000 men, women, and children report improved access to high-quality domestic water (acceptable colour,
Taste, smell) by eop
2) At least 60% of targeted 2.850 men and women small-scale producers report reduced water shortage relative to their production needs as a result of using climate-smart agriculture techniques and the received irrigation system support by eop
3) 25 km of transmission and distribution mains rehabilitated and upgraded in project regions by eop. (disaggregated by location, pipes diameter)
4) Number of small-scale fruit and vegetables farmers reported that they received or benefited from water carrier lines, computerized irrigation system, low-pressure irrigation network, and installation/rehabilitation of collective irrigation infrastructure, etc.) By end of project.
5) At least 5 women’s enterprises will be supported to diversify their livelihood activities (disaggregated by size and type of support)

Impact Measurement

1) Application baseline survey
2) Focus group
3) Farmers meeting

Direct beneficiaries

Organisations: 9

Individuals: 27288

Key Tags

Environment, Food Security, Gender