Ukraine Credit for Agricultural Producers (CAP)

Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Europe: Ukraine
Cities: Nationwide
Bilateral Aid: USAID
Type of Activity
WOCCU’s Credit for Agriculture Producers (CAP) Project (2016-2023), is improving the legal, regulatory, and market environment for credit unions in Ukraine and building credit union capacity to both promote growth and reduce risk, while expanding access to credit for rural and agricultural micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Specifically, CAP works with the Regulator (the National Bank of Ukraine [NBU] as of July 2020) and legislators to update the legal and regulatory framework for credit unions and supports the credit union national associations and United Credit Unions (UCUs) to better serve their members and access liquidity to meet demand for agricultural lending. CAP also works directly with a group of credit unions through its Agricultural Lending Working Group (AGLWG) to build their capacity to expand agricultural lending.
Project Objectives
To improve the enabling and market environment for credit unions in order to expand financial access to rural/ag micro & small businesses.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Number of agricultural and rural MSME loans issued by partner credit unions during the reporting period per credit union (number of new loans)
Value of new agricultural and rural MSME loans disbursed by project partner credit unions per credit union (in local currency, during the period)
Number of regulatory changes or new procedures introduced in compliance with international standards as a result of CAP technical assistance
Percent of funds disbursed in loans to credit unions out of total UCU liquidity funds, accessed through the new Liquidity Fund Mechanism (ratio of total amount disbursed to initial amount of Liquidity Fund)
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 23
Individuals: 16438
Local stakeholders
All Ukrainian Credit Union Association (AUCUA)
17 Partner Credit Unions