YOUCOOL _ Youth in Cooperatives as Key Drivers of Digital Transformation in Local Communities

Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Associates: ICA Asia-Pacific, DGRV Vietnam, ILO Vietnam, Agriterra Vietnam
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Asia-Pacific: Vietnam
Cities: Country level, focus on Central Highlands
Multilateral Aid: European Union CSO Programme
Type of Activity
The project aims to enhance the role of social organizations in fostering digital skills and raising awareness among youth to accelerate comprehensive digital transformation.
The activities of the project will take an integrated approach to address challenges related to youth participation in cooperative governance and development, digital education and the digitization process of cooperatives. There will be a particular focus on the coffee supply chain to share successful models with the youth cooperative network in Italy and globally.
The Action is structured in five work packages, each one referring to one expected result. The first expected result refers to youth as main drivers of the digital transformation of the Vietnamese cooperative enterprises and the relative gap of skills are assessed. The second expected result refers to courses on Digital transformation of coops tested and integrated into Colleges of VCA and the Programmes spread to universities and vocational training centres raising awareness on youths. The activities foreseen in the work package 3 lead to a digital transformation of the Vietnamese cooperative enterprises and the relative gap of skills. Then the WP4 leads to enhance the capacity of the network among the young Vietnamese cooperators to public authorities. The last WP (5) will lead to the developement of strategies by youth cooperators on digitalization, permanent education and gender equality developed and advocated to public authorities.
The project valorises the connection between Italian and Vietnamese cooperatives active all along the coffee value chain (primary production, certification, processing, shipping, retailing) and their common interest for the digitalization of the sector for improving - among others - the traceability for consumers.
Project Objectives
Specific Objective - Outcome: Strengthening the skills and awareness of youths active in cooperative enterprises for the inclusive digital transformation of the local economy.
Overall Objective - impact: Contribute to enhance the engagement of cooperatives as key actors of governance and development processes in Vietnam for democratic and prosperous communities
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
% of cooperatives making use of ICT tools
N° of cooperatives adopting the digitalization of the traceability of the coffee value chain
% of young cooperators declaring to have contributing to the policy making of VCA and to debates with public authorities in the last 2 years
Impact Measurement
VCA annual surveys and reports
Official decisions from the bodies of the cooperative
Project assessment survey and reports
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 27000
Individuals: 100000
Local stakeholders
27.000 cooperatives member of the VCA, with focus on 23 provinces and pilot action with 15 coffee cooperatives