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FISHMEDNET - Fishery Mediterranean Network

Cooperative Development Organisation

Implementing Partners and Organisations

Federation of Municipalities of the South Corse, Legacoop Agrofood Department, Haliéus, CIHEAM Bari, Association Tunisienne pour le Developpement de la peche artisanale, Minsitry of Agriculture of Lebanon, Economic and Social Development Center of Palestine

Period of Implementation

September 2019 - August 2023

Geographic scope

Europe: France, Italy

Asia-Pacific: Lebanon, Palestine (State of)

Africa: Tunisia


$ 2,354,238
€ 2 242 132


Bilateral Aid: European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme


Agriculture & Fisheries

Type of Activity

Monitoring & Evaluation, Networking


The project aims to promote social and economic development by stimulating the creation of new SMES in Small-Scale fishery (SSF) sector on the two shores of the Mediterranean. The development of the multi-functionality and the diversification in the SSF, as well as its integration within the wider coastal economy can contribute significantly to a more sustainable growth. Indeed, new innovative solutions are required in the SSF in order, not only to reduce the catches of fisheries for sustainability reasons, but also promote youth employment and make fisheries more attractive to young people, solving the problem of the generational turnover affecting this sector. Many solutions and local experiences have been already successfully developed, offering new services and products with reference of complementary fields as environment, tourism, value chain.

Project Objectives

The project contributes to create job opportunities by improving the fishery sector MSMEs capacity to seize the opportunity of the Blue economy and global markets, by boosting innovation and business integration. FISH MED NET project aims to create Business Alliances between the Mediterranean MSMEs of France, Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon, Palestine active in fishery diversification. The MSMEs will be stimulated to gather into cross-border Business Alliances based on common Business Models, by providing them training, direct professional assistance for the development of new services/products, and tools for improving their marketing (e-platform).

Impact on SDGs

SDG8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Main Indicators

Decades of overfishing have dramatically harmed the Mediterranean fisheries sector. Catches are now diminishing, impacting negatively on revenues and jobs. As a result, fishing appeal to young people is sharply decreasing. Yet, fishing is still a key Mediterranean economic sector with a high - through underexploited - commercial potential including diversification and integration with other sectors such as fishing tourism, environmental marine services, fishery heritage and food-chain innovation. Unfortunately, the industry remains too fragmented, MSMEs are not enough interconnected and the public authorities are not proving capable to provide the needed enabling environment. FISH MED NET addresses these enduring drawbacks. The project will train fisheries MSMEs in increasing their diversification and integration potential and favoring the development of new products and services. New business alliances will fill the integration gap among MSMEs by fostering common business models and marketing activities. Finally, the project will develop public authorities capacities to encourage both a sustainable and successful development of the fishing sector.

Direct beneficiaries

Individuals: 110

Key Tags

Entrepreneurship, Youth