Creating an Environment for Cooperative Expansion (CECE)

Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Americas: Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru
Africa: Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania
Bilateral Aid: USAID
Type of Activity
Through CECE, a project under USAID’s longstanding Cooperative Development Program, NCBA CLUSA operates in Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Guatemala, Peru, and Ecuador to improve legal and regulatory frameworks for cooperatives. Strengthen capacity of local institutions to provide quality cooperative development services. And improve the performance of more than 65 agricultural cooperatives and savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOS) through tailored training, coaching, and peer-to-peer learning. Selected global results through FY21: Strengthening the capacity of 67 agricultural cooperatives and SACCOs (11 in Kenya, 29 in Tanzania, 10 in Madagascar, 15 in Peru, and 2 in Guatemala). Cooperative law analyses completed in 5 countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Guatemala, Peru, and Ecuador. In partnership with cooperative sector stakeholders, supported development and submission of cooperative law reform proposals in 5 countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Guatemala, and Peru. Strengthening capacities of over 30 local support organizations (from public and private sector) to deliver quality cooperative development services.
Project Objectives
The 3 main goals of the project include: 1) Improving enabling environments for cooperatives, 2) Enhancing support to cooperatives, and 3) Improving overall performance of cooperatives.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 116
Individuals: 113867
Local stakeholders
Kenya: Cooperative Alliance of Kenya (CAK), State Department of Cooperatives (SDC), Meru and Nandi County Governments, Capital SACCO, Meru Dairy Union, Nandi Dairy Union, etc.
Madagascar: Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumption (MICC), Ministry of National Education and Professional and Technical Education (MENTP), University of Antananarivo, ONI Worker Cooperative, etc.
Peru: Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) and Department of Cooperatives, Ministry of Agriculture (MIDAGRI), National Confederation of Cooperatives (CONFENACOOP), National Commission for Development and Life Without Drugs (DEVIDA), National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), COCLA Coffee Cooperative, Dulce Esperanza, etc.
Tanzania: Rural Urban Development Initiatives (RUDI), Tanzania Cooperative Development Comission (TCDC), Tanzania Federation for Cooperatives (TFC), Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU), Cooperative Audit and Supervision Corporation (COASCO), etc.
Ecuador (only 2019-2021): Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy (SEPS).