Enhancing Young Peoples’ Access to Adequate Housing
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Uganda
Bilateral Aid: Sida/Civsam
Type of Activity
Project Objectives
To enhance the quality of life for women, men and young people through increased access to sustainable adequate housing by 2023. Expected results: Increased capacity of MUMYO to deliver services to women and youth in greater Mukono area, Increased engagement between authorities and communities on issues of water sanitation hygiene and livelihoods, Demonstration of environmentally sustainable housing practices, Enhanced information sharing on WASH and housing practices for women young people and men, Enhanced access to housing finance and businesses in greater Mukono area , Women young people and men in greater Mukono have sustainable businesses, Increased participation and leadership of women and young people in district development plans, Enhanced access to women and young people's land rights.