Improved Livelihood & Enhanced Resilience in Rural West Bank
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Asia-Pacific: Palestine (State of)
Cities: West Bank
Multilateral Aid: Sida/CIVSAM
Type of Activity
This project aims at “Promoting, enhancing and developing the capacities of rural development organizations to provide quality services and advocate for the right to food for their members, with special focus on women and youth”. The focus is collective as this project aims to combat Climate Change effects and risks, and Develop the existing bodies; especially the cooperatives with focus on women led and youth cooperatives. This will help developing livelihoods of their members and farmers (m/w) in the areas for better resilience on their lands.
Project Objectives
The project objective is “To contribute to sustainable and resilient food systems in the rural West Bank through integrated gender and environmental mainstreamed approaches”. The focus of interventions will be in the rural West Bank – Palestine, focusing on targeting Geopolitical Area C and marginalized areas.
Outcome 1. The institutional and technical capacity of the LRC, and targeted cooperatives’ members is enhanced to address specialized programmes of climate resilient and adaptive sustainable agriculture, social media marketing, advocacy and gender mainstreaming.
Outcome 2. Climate resilient and sustainable agriculture is promoted to address better adaptation for the adverse impacts of climate change while ensuring efficient and sustainable management of resources and achieving long-term higher productivity and improved livelihoods.
Outcome 3. Young people, agricultural students and women are engaged with the cooperatives in implementation of sustainable agricultural practices and environmental green and business initiatives
Impact on SDGs
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 25
Individuals: 1850