
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Department of the Community Marine Protected Areas (DAMCP)
Department of Water and Forestry
IUCN, IISD, OSTROM (international partners)
CASADES, CAREM, NEBEDAY et REFEPAS (national partners)
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Senegal
Bilateral Aid: Global Affairs Canada
Type of Activity
The Natur'ELLES project aims to strengthen the adaptation to Climate Change (CC) of women and their vulnerable communities to CC in the deltas of Sine Saloum and Casamance. The project will promote the adoption of Nature-based Solutions for the restoration and conservation of coastal biodiversity, particularly mangroves, among local populations. Additionally, the project aims to establish a more inclusive and equitable governance of natural resources in mangrove ecosystems, by and for women, within Marine Protected Areas and Areas and Territories of Indigenous Community Heritage. Finally, the project aims to improve the benefits of mangrove conservation for vulnerable women.
Project Objectives
Increased climate change adaptation of women and their vulnerable communities in the mangrove ecosystems of the marine protected areas in the deltas of Saloum and Casamance, Senegal.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
• SOCODEVI Women's Empowerment Index
• Number of individuals trained or mobilized, disaggregated by sex and age group, who have implemented at least 2 nature-based solutions
• Area (ha) of restored or conserved mangrove ecosystems supporting biodiversity
• Number and % of women members of APAC (Indigenous and Community Heritage Areas) / MPA (Marine Protected Areas) communities considering that management committees and institutional authorities have improved their effectiveness in addressing the specific needs and interests of women in favor of climate change adaptation
• Number and % of APAC/MPA adopting at least 1 mechanism of equitable governance of natural resources of mangrove ecosystems in favor of women and their communities
• Number and % of women members of the "GIE (Economic Interest Group) / GPF (Women's Promotion Groups) of APAC/MPA" supported, disaggregated by age group, reporting increased benefits
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Individuals: 8000
Local stakeholders
• Management Committees of the MPA (Marine Protected Areas) of the intervention zones
• Economic Interest Groups (GIE) of Casamance and Sine Saloum