Diversification and competitiveness of associative companies in the mining regions of Peru (PRODIVCOM)
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Americas: Peru
Bilateral Aid: GAC and private mining companies (SHAHUINDO SAC/COMPAÑIA MINERA ANTAMINA)
Type of Activity
PRODIVCOM has seen the economic and social living conditions of 24000 women and men (4990 family businesses, 8000 producers) in 3 extractive regions of Peru improve, developing a range of beneficiary, diversified and competitive economic activities. The objective behind this idea of local economic diversification is to support the integration of the target populations into the country's economy. The development approach can be summarized in the strengthening of sectors adapted to the context through 1) the sustainable improvement of the competitiveness of family agroforestry and associative enterprises, 2) increased access to different markets (local, regional and international), and 3) the establishment and consolidation of associative enterprises (the 3 intermediate results below).
Project Objectives
Conformar, fortalecer y desarrollar cooperativas, fortaleciendo sus actividades económicas competitivas, fortaleciendo las capacidades de las familias de productor.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 24
Individuals: 24000