Establishment of an Entrepreneur Financial Centre in Sri Lanka (EFECS)
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Asia-Pacific: Sri Lanka
Bilateral Aid: Global Affairs Canada
Type of Activity
Results as of June 30, 2021 (end of project) 1) Loans granted to 17,012 MSMEs, of which 10,417 are led by women 2) Business management training for 8,053 entrepreneurs, including 5,641 women 3) Introduction of 3 new credit products adapted for value chain financing 4) Launch of 2 insurance products designed for the risk management of agricultural production supported by the project 5) Distribution of 12 training modules on topics such as change management, self-esteem and bookkeeping 6) Training for 1,978 SANASA network employees so they can provide technical assistance for gender-specific products and services
Project Objectives
To give entrepreneurs greater access to financial and non-financial products and services and to improve the local economy in a sustainable way.