Building the institutional and programme capacity of WLSA
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Women and Law Southern Africa - WLSA
Period of Implementation
January 2018 - December 2022
Geographic scope
Africa: Zimbabwe
$ 600,600
€ 572 000
Bilateral Aid: Sida/Civsam
Type of Activity
Budget support (Grants or Direct Financing), Governance and Organizational Strengthening, Institutional Building and Policy Dialogue, Legal and Regulatory framework, Technical Assistance & Advisory
Project Objectives
The goal of the programme is: To enable WLSA effectively contribute to gender equality and fulfilment of women's rights. Specific objectives are: 1. To monitor and support the implementation of existing gender equality and justice laws, policies and plans of action and enactment of new ones. 2. To contribute to a just society where women are assertive and empowered to equitably claim and demand their rights and to contribute to the development of a gender sensitive judiciary system. 3. To support equitable access to justice by all, especially poor and vulnerable women and girls. 4. To build the institutional capacity of WLSA to effectively deliver on its mandate.
Impact on SDGs
SDG1 - No Poverty
SDG5 - Gender Equality
Local stakeholders
Groups of women