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Period of Implementation

July 2021 - October 2022

Geographic scope

Africa: Senegal

Cities: Ziguinchor, Sedhiou, Kolda


$ 55,557
€ 12 857


Multilateral Aid: FAO


Agriculture & Fisheries, Energy, Rural Development

Type of Activity

Budget support (Grants or Direct Financing), Technical Assistance & Advisory, Training & Capacity Building, Value Chains / Socioeconomic Circuits


This initiative is in line with the activities of SOCODEVI which supports in these regions the CAC-Miel, a young agri-food cooperative set up to buy the honey production of its members and to structure the packaging and marketing of honey from Casamance. The specific objectives are as follows: - To strengthen the capacities of the ESC participants on modern beekeeping techniques resilient to climate change. - To improve both the quantity and quality of honey produced, taking into account the health and safety of beekeepers. - Support the development of beekeeping MSEs and their links with other actors in the value chain. - To fight against climate change by reducing the use of fossil fuels in the process of treatment and conditioning of honey and the reforestation in the zones of production. A particular emphasis will be placed on the introduction of agroforestry activities through the planting of melliferous species to improve honey production, bee habitat and carbon absorption.

Project Objectives

To improve the incomes of the members of CAC-Honey by increasing the production and marketing of the honey of its members .

Impact on SDGs

SDG1 - No Poverty
SDG2 - Zero Hunger
SDG5 - Gender Equality
SDG8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Main Indicators

1) Number of producers implementing new practicesa nd climate-smart practices
2) Number of honey processing and packaging plantations with access to solar systems or connected to the public electricity

Impact Measurement


Direct beneficiaries

Organisations: 1

Individuals: 1525

Local stakeholders

Producers cooperatives

Key Tags

Entrepreneurship, Food Security, Gender