Community prosper together - Community farm cooperative
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Cameroon
Cities: East region
Others: AJEEC-NISPED (internal budget)
Type of Activity
Capcoo (Community farm ) - a cooperative founded in Garga in 2021 after multiple training sessions. This cooperative has 110 members: 30 refugee women, 30 Gbaya women, 30 Gbaya men and 20 refugee men. It should be noted that these women constitute the first wave of women to be trained in the transformation of cassava into tapioka. And they continue to make tapioka that they regularly exhibit at the trade fair organized by international organizations in Bertoua. This cooperative, through the transformation of cassava into tapioka, won the prize for the best transformation unit in terms of quality in the municipality of Ngoura. This group produces an average of 100 kg of tapioka per month because of the contract that was signed between the cooperative and a company called KIMOFOOD based in Bertoua.
Project Objectives
To strengthen the individual and systemic social-economic resilience in mixed communities living in complex and volatile environments through income-generating activities, community development processes, and capitalizing on Israeli and local technology, innovation, and expertise.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Increased technical knowledge and expertise that allow for improved livelihood opportunities.
Increased income/inputs.
Increased level of community cohesion and collaboration between different groups and inclusion of all members of the community.
Increased access to services and pathways for ownership of community development processes
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Individuals: 110