Economic and social development of marginalized women and girls
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Asia-Pacific: Sri Lanka
Bilateral Aid: Sida/Civsam
Type of Activity
Project Objectives
The project is implemented by Rajarata Praja Kendraya (RPK) in three divisions (Mahawilachchiya, Kebitigollewa and Padaviya) in Anuradhapura district, targeting 1,600 women and 700 men from rural and war-affected communities in the above mentioned divisions and inclusion of these right holders in to 11 primary cooperatives. Thus, the project will improve and increase the institutional and individual capacities and skills, promote eco-friendly farming and good practices among the small-scale farmers, women empowerment and improvement of women leadership, address gender-based violence issues, promote sustainable cooperative businesses and women entrepreneurship, increase access to government services and enable environment for a rights-based approach. The project aims to eradicate poverty and uplift the living standard of the targted right holders. The project will result in a sustainable socio-economic development of poor and marginalised communities with equal rights in selected areas by which organised women and girls from rural communities are empowered with increased access to land, financial resources and improved living conditions
Impact on SDGs
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 11
Individuals: 2300