Engendering the Environment of Rural Development and Cooperative Sector- SHARAKA
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Asia-Pacific: Palestine (State of)
Multilateral Aid: Sida/CIVSAM
Type of Activity
The project will have the following outputs;
1.1. capacities of partner organizations & Right Holders and cooperatives in rural areas in inclusive leadership, mutual learning, HRBA and qualitative data, effects of climate change from gender lens increased.
1.2 Engagement of partners in local and global advocacy on rural women’s economic rights including right to access to land and productive resources increased.
1.3: Gender equality and women’s empowerment in biodiversity, climate change, land degradation, international waters, chemicals and waste promotedOutput
1.4: Women Human Rights Defenders right to be protected and promoted
2.1 . Increased awareness of available livelihood options in food production
2.2 increased awareness of women right holders and in cooperatives in unpaid work
3.1 Women and girls exposed to GBV awareness’ on reaching the GBV services enhanced
3.2 Women and girls exposed to GBV awareness’ on reaching the GBV services enhanced
Project Objectives
Outcome 1: Increased capacities of WE EFFECT partner organizations and (Right Holders) in gender mainstreaming, gender transformative approaches towards improving the rural community livelihood and increasing their economic empowerment, and building local leadership and leverage relationships with duty bearers to create responsible food security policies through integrating gender considerations into policies using evidence-based advocacy.
Outcome 2: Improved women resilience capacities to cope with and respond to food insecurity and livelihood impoverishment through Increased awareness on gender concepts. improved women resilience capacities to cope with and respond to food insecurity and livelihood impoverishment through Increased awareness on gender concepts.
Outcome 3: Women and girls exposed to GBV wellbeing and health conditions improved following psycho-social support
Impact on SDGs
Direct beneficiaries
Individuals: 191