Gender Inclusivity in Financial Services (GIFS)
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Kenya
Bilateral Aid: Sida/Civsam
Type of Activity
The project strengthened 23 SACCOs delivering equitable, all-inclusive services and risks management mechanisms for women, young people and men smallholder farmers in cooperatives. The project work is expected to contribute to financial inclusivity and a more just society. Using the organization Theory of Change (TOC), three interconnected pathways are identified, namely: Strengthening Saccoís organizational capacity through human rights-based practices. Strengthening Saccoís capacity to address and claim rights and hold duty bearers accountable. Building capacity of Sacco membership and Development and provision of financial inclusive products and services for women and young people (male & female).
Project Objectives
The key objective of the bank is to serve the Co-operative movement through provision of financial and business advisory services. Increased access to affordable and sustainable financial services and products for women and youth. Strong and efficient partner Saccoís delivering equitable and all-inclusive financial services. Empowered partner Saccoís engaging duty bearers to develop and implement gender sensitive legislative provisions and policies.