Liberia cocoa cooperatives development project (LCCDP)

Cooperative Development Organisation
Period of Implementation
September 2021 - August 2023
Geographic scope
Africa: Liberia
Cities: Bong and Nimba
$ 370,000
€ 352 381
Others: SOCODEVI own funds
Agriculture & Fisheries, Agroforestry, Rural Development
Type of Activity
Governance and Organizational Strengthening, Monitoring & Evaluation, Technical Assistance & Advisory, Training & Capacity Building, Value Chains / Socioeconomic Circuits
LCCDP, a project funded by SOCODEVI's own funds for a perdio of 2 years (2021-2023), aims to better structure and make more inclusive the Liberian cocoa cooperative sector
Project Objectives
Better structured and more inclusive Liberian cocoa cooperative sector.
Impact on SDGs
SDG1 - No Poverty
SDG5 - Gender Equality
SDG8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG13 - Climate Action
Main Indicators
Number of cooperatives that have improved their overall PerformCoop performance assessment score
Number of relevant national actors effectively using the updated version of PerformCoop in their cooperative capacity-building program
Number of relevant national actors effectively training cooperatives on gender equality
Number of relevant national actors effectively using the updated version of PerformCoop in their cooperative capacity-building program
Number of relevant national actors effectively training cooperatives on gender equality
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 2
Individuals: 2500
Local stakeholders
Small and medium size cocoa producers cooperatives