Productive Strengthening for the Improvement of Life
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Americas: El Salvador
Bilateral Aid: Sida/Civsam
Type of Activity
The Project "Productive strengthening for the improvement of life", seeks to strengthen the productive capacities of people in the department of Morazán, related to the vegetable sector, with emphasis on women, in order to promote the production of food for self-consumption in rural households and the increase in the production and quality of vegetables in Morazán - including enhancing people's capacities, for the change of attitude, which allows to make small effective changes in family, communal and productive life.
Project Objectives
Contribute tothe productive strengthening of vegetables, favoring food security with a focus on rural development in the department of Morazán.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 20
Individuals: 44