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Securing Urban Poor Women's Access to Land (SUPWALAH)

Cooperative Development Organisation

Implementing Partners and Organisations

Umoja wa Laini Saba Housing Cooperative

Period of Implementation

January 2018 - December 2022

Geographic scope

Africa: Kenya


$ 43,114
€ 41 061


Housing, Rural Development

Type of Activity

Budget support (Grants or Direct Financing), Governance and Organizational Strengthening


The expected results are: Organisational development and Cooperative housing development promoted in rural and urban areas.

Project Objectives

The objective is to promote eco-friendly housing cooperative model and land rights for women and young people in Misungwi and Nyamagana Districts by 2022.

Impact on SDGs

SDG11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG13 - Climate Action

Key Tags

Environment, Inequalities