Strengthening Civil Society Involvement in Housing and Habitat
Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Zambia
Bilateral Aid: Sida/Civsam
Type of Activity
Project Objectives
CFHH is a platform of civil society organisations dealing with housing and habitat issues. It is a network led organisation with a membership of 28 organisations around the country comprising of International Non-Governmental Organisations, Local Non-Governmental Organisations, Community Based Organisations and individuals that share the same vision as CFHH. The network members comprises 84,070 individuals (15,962 men and 68,108 women). CFHH's objectives include: 1) To strengthen civil society involvement in lobby and advocacy for access to decent, affordable and adequate housing through a policy framework that promotes the enjoyment of land and housing rights for all, especially the marginalised groups. 2) Build institutional capacity of CFHH in order to effectively respond to network members' demands. 3) To promote strong and sustainable community-based interventions that focus on housing, land and improved human habitat. 4) To provide capacity building programmes to civil society for skills development, lobby and advocacy for effective engagements with policy makers. 5) To promote self-help housing methods like saving schemes, co-operative housing, safe environmental practice and infrastructure development through networking.
Impact on SDGs
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 28
Individuals: 84070