Technical assistance to support agricultural value chains in the highlands of Madagascar
Cooperative Development Organisation
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Africa: Madagascar
Multilateral Aid: World Bank
Type of Activity
The project is characterized by the development of different models of commercial agriculture, based on a "value chain (VC)" approach driven by the demand of economic operators (EOs) and the market. The actions carried out are geographically concentrated in and around the main supply basins of the EOs. Three CVs were targeted (milk, animal feed, green beans). The project's actions focused on meeting the EO's internal development needs (equipment, training) and their supply network (inputs, internalized extension system with trained relay producers, demonstration sites and stables) in order to meet market requirements. This has resulted in numerous impacts, both tangible and intangible, at the level of the EOs and the producers in their supply network. This approach, in which EOs are at the center of the action (owners of the development of their VCs, and therefore responsible for their decisions), by strengthening them according to their visions, their growth strategies and their support needs, has paid off and deserves to be scaled up.
Project Objectives
Improving the living conditions of women and men through a demand-driven value chain (VC) approach and associated enterprises better positioned in these value-chains.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
2) Volumes marketed
3) Number of cooperatives and other enterprises whose capacity is enhanced
Impact Measurement
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 3
Individuals: 129000