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Implementing Partners and Organisations

Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA)
Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR)
Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD)
Department of Co-Operatives (DOCs)
Private sector actors (FEDCO, Touton and CJ Commodities)

Period of Implementation

March 2022 - March 2027

Geographic scope

Africa: Ghana

Cities: Ashanti and Western North regions


$ 8,310,047
€ 7 914 330


Bilateral Aid: Global Affairs Canada (GAC)


Agriculture & Fisheries, Agroforestry, Climate & Environment

Type of Activity

Governance and Organizational Strengthening, Research & Study, Technical Assistance & Advisory, Training & Capacity Building, Value Chains / Socioeconomic Circuits


Training and support will encourage collective savings, entrepreneurship and financial inclusion, while contributing to the sustainable resilience of the cocoa sector and the equal distribution of economic benefits and opportunities. Expected outcomes 1) Improved financial and economic autonomy of 3,000 women and 1,000 young people (500 young women and 500 young men) in targeted rural cocoa communities in the Western and Ashanti regions of Ghana, in the context of climate change. 2) Improved performance of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) with the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) and the Department of Co-Operatives in delivering adapted, gender-responsive, climate smart products and services, in collaboration with other cocoa actors, for the benefit of women and youth.

Project Objectives

To empower women and young adults in rural cocoa-producing communities / to reduce gender gaps in the cocoa sector / to foster women and youth effective participation.

Impact on SDGs

SDG2 - Zero Hunger
SDG3 - Good Health and Well-Being
SDG5 - Gender Equality
SDG9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Main Indicators

1. Number of people reached by projects that support women’s economic empowerment
2. Number of entrepreneurs, farmers and smallholders provided with financial and/or business development services

Impact Measurement

1) SOCODEVI Women's Empowerment Index (WEI)
2) Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)

Direct beneficiaries

Organisations: 115

Individuals: 4000

Local stakeholders

Small and medium size cocoa producers cooperatives

Key Tags

Environment, Gender, Youth