We Prosper - The Entrepreneurship Development Project for Conflict-Affected Rural Population of Ukraine

Cooperative Development Organisation
Implementing Partners and Organisations
Period of Implementation
Geographic scope
Europe: Ukraine
Bilateral Aid: Global Affairs Canada and SOCODEVI own funds
Type of Activity
Revised to respond to the war, the focus is on supporting existing cooperatives, rural women and persons internally displaced by the war. Support will be delivered to women headed family farms and existing cooperatives in the form of agricultural inputs & equipment for on farm value added processing, support to IDPs through training related to agricultural techniques and entrepreneurship, and through the Rural Women's Business Network, delivering advocacy, humanitarian aid, and mental health supports in partnership with civil society organizations.
Project Objectives
To support existing cooperatives, rural women and persons internally displaced, to maintain, regain and rebuild their livelihoods resulting from the ongoing war.
Impact on SDGs
Main Indicators
Number of persons adopting conflict sensitive, agro-environmental practices integrating climate change concerns/Total # of persons.
Quantity of milk, grain or horticulture production produced by beneficiaries that is marketed by the coop
Impact Measurement
Women Empowerment Index SOCODEVI (disaggregated by age and IDP status)
Direct beneficiaries
Organisations: 15
Individuals: 3500