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Explore the Projects

Title Sort descending Countries Status Sectors
Agile response by the alliance for humanitarian international action to control the spread of covid-19 Palestine (State of) Completed Agroforestry, Industry, Social
Asserting The Rights of Women in the Informal Economy Philippines Completed Rural Development
Bagong Araw Philippines: Rebuilding through Microinsurance and Women’s Microenterprises (PREMIUM) Philippines Completed Banking & Financial Services, Insurance, Rural Development
Boosting livelihoods of farmers and forest owners through organized action Ethiopia, Nepal, Tanzania Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Rural Development
BRS Microfinance Coop (investments) Cambodia, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua Ongoing Banking & Financial Services
Building collective voices in sustainable agriculture and equal rights Myanmar (Burma) Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Capability Assistance for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience to Disasters Philippines Completed Climate & Environment
Chura Lao Project Laos Ongoing Industry, Rural Development, Trade
Civil Society Organizations and Local Authorities Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Social
Civil Society Organizations Program Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Rural Development
CO-OP × Red Cup Campaign Cambodia, Ghana, Myanmar (Burma) Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Education, Health
Community Livelihood Enhancement and Women Empowerment Cambodia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Cooperative Development Activity 4 Lebanon, Malawi, Rwanda Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Social, Trade
Cooperative Development Program (CDP) Guinea, Philippines Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Agroforestry, Rural Development
Cooperative Development through Policy Changes on Gender Equality Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
Desarrollando comunidades en cooperativismo en Guatemala Guatemala, Philippines Completed Rural Development
Development of Estate Worker Housing Cooperative Federations Sri Lanka Completed Housing
Economic and social development of marginalised women and girls Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
Economic and social development of marginalised women and girls Sri Lanka Completed Banking & Financial Services
Economic and social development of marginalized women and girls Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Conflict Prevention & Resolution
Economic and social development of marginalized women and girls - AHAM Sri Lanka Completed Education, Rural Development
Economic and social development of marginalized women and girls - KAVIY Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
Economic and social development of marginalized women and girls - MCP Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment
Economic and social development of marginalized women and girls - SOBK Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Economic and social development of marginalized women and girls - TCP Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
Emergency support to affected cooperatives Palestine (State of) Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Industry, Rural Development
EMIRGE Mongolia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Industry, Rural Development
Empowering Farmers in Fighting for Land and Water Rights Philippines Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Empowering Small Holder Food Producers of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Empowering Women through Sustainable Agriculture Philippines Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Empowering Women, Transforming Lives Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
Engendering the Environment of Rural Development and Cooperative Sector- SHARAKA Palestine (State of) Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Enhancing framework of cooperation among agricultural cooperatives in Palestine Palestine (State of) Completed Rural Development
Enhancing Member Based Organization Role in the Social Economy Côte d'Ivoire Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Banking & Financial Services, Rural Development
Enhancing Member-Based Organisations Role in the Social Economy Palestine (State of) Completed Rural Development
Enhancing Social and Economic Capacity of Farmer's Organisations Cambodia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood Through Community Based Actions Palestine (State of) Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Environmental and Climate Justice Program Palestine (State of) Completed Climate & Environment, Rural Development
Establishment of an Entrepreneur Financial Centre in Sri Lanka (EFECS) Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Banking & Financial Services, Tourism & Culture
Farmer organisations for sustainable agriculture and equal rights Myanmar (Burma) Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Farmer-led value chain Advancement (FAME) Philippines Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Farmer-to-Farmer Food Safety and Quality (F2F FSQ) Bangladesh, Egypt, Lebanon Ongoing Industry
Farmers Fighting Poverty through Value Chain Development in Mindanao Philippines Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
FISHMEDNET - Fishery Mediterranean Network France, Italy, Lebanon, Palestine (State of), Tunisia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Improved Livelihood & Enhanced Resilience in Rural West Bank Palestine (State of) Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Rural Development
Improving Economic Performance of Agricultural Co-operatives (IMPACT) Colombia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Agroforestry, Rural Development
Indonesia Shrimp Aquaculture Improvement Project Indonesia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Wholesale and retail trade
Institutionalising Women Empowerment and Gender Equality in the Philippines Philippines Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Invest Co-op Indonesia, Malawi, Mongolia, Peru Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Education
LRC environmental and climate justice program Palestine (State of) Completed Climate & Environment
LST - Empowering Women, Transforming Lives in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
MA'AN Environmental and Climate Justice Program Palestine (State of) Completed Climate & Environment
PARC Environmental and Climate Justice Program Palestine (State of) Completed Climate & Environment
People at the Centre of Policymaking Philippines Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Housing, Rural Development
PHG Environmental and Climate Justice Program Palestine (State of) Completed Climate & Environment, Water Supply and Sanitation
Pilot project on Cooperative-led Housing and Habitat Development Sri Lanka Completed Housing
Power of Women Collectives in Social Economic Development Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Power Women - Moving beyond conflict Sri Lanka Completed Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Rural Development, Social
Promoting Enabling Environment for Cooperative Development Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
Providing an Effective Voice for Malawi Farmers Lebanon, Malawi, Rwanda Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Regional Project for Promoting Cooperative Self-help Organisations in Asia Laos Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Banking & Financial Services, Rural Development
Regional Project for Promoting Cooperative Self-help Organizations in Asia Vietnam Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Banking & Financial Services, Rural Development
Regional Project for Promoting Cooperative Self-help Organizations in Asia Cambodia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Banking & Financial Services, Rural Development
Renewable Energy Dialogue Platform - Strengthening decentralised solution for renewable energy projects Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma) Completed Climate & Environment, Energy, Rural Development
Resilient Communities: supporting vulnerable and affected Palestinian communities Palestine (State of) Ongoing Rural Development, Social, Trade
S.P.R.IN.G. - Strengthening CSO's Participation for a Responsible and INclusive agriculture Growth through the development of the rural cooperatives Iran Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Safe Processing in Cooperative Enterprises (SPICE) Guatemala, India, Sri Lanka Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Saving Banana Farms from Tropical Race 4 Disease through Agroecology Philippines Ongoing Climate & Environment, Rural Development
Savisthri - Empowering Women, Transforming Lives in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
SMDF - Institutional Strengthening & Promote entrepreneurship Sri Lanka Completed Banking & Financial Services
Strengthen District Councils of CSOs with Women Empowerment Sri Lanka Completed Social
Strengthen District Councils with Women Empowerment Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development
Strengthened capacities for effective land management & agricultural practices Palestine (State of) Completed Climate & Environment, Rural Development
Strengthening Agricultural Co-operatives to Improve Livelihoods Cambodia Completed Agriculture & Fisheries
Strengthening Farmers' Capacities to Address Gender Inequality Philippines Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Strengthening Gender-Responsive Environment in Rural Dev and Cooperatives Sector Palestine (State of) Completed Rural Development
Strengthening Leadership and Exercise of Women's Economic Rights Bolivia, India, Sri Lanka Completed Wholesale and retail trade
Strengthening Urban Poor organisations in Claiming their Right to Adequate Housing Philippines Completed Housing
StStrengthening PACU and its Members Capacities as Service ProviderSs Palestine (State of) Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Rural Development
SuPER WE Coffee - Sustainable Production and Ethic Responsible & Empowered Women Coffee Value Chains in LAO PDR Laos Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Support for Strengthening Activities of the Cooperative Bank of Vietnam and the People’s Credit Funds Network (STEP) Vietnam Completed Banking & Financial Services, Digitalisation, Social
Sustainable Development for Cooperative Movement Myanmar (Burma) Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Social
Towards Inclusive and Just Cooperative Sector in the West Bank Palestine (State of) Completed Rural Development
TU.R.B.O - Tubas Rural Business Opportunities and Social Innovation Palestine (State of) Completed Rural Development, Social
UAWC Environmental and Climate Justice Program Palestine (State of) Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment
Vietnam Co-operative Enterprise Development (VCED) Vietnam Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Rural Development
Water replenishment Women empowerment and Waste management Sri Lanka Completed Water Supply and Sanitation
WINGS Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Banking & Financial Services, Rural Development
Women Coop - Financial inclusion of marginalized and poor women Sri Lanka Completed Rural Development, Social
Women for entrepreneurship and resilience – transforming fish-farming and forest value-chains in Nepal Nepal Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Agroforestry, Climate & Environment
Women-Influenced Community-led Housing Cooperatives Philippines Completed Housing
Working Together towards Development Effectiveness Philippines Completed Rural Development
YOUCOOL _ Youth in Cooperatives as Key Drivers of Digital Transformation in Local Communities Vietnam Ongoing Agriculture & Fisheries, Digitalisation, Trade
Youth Cooperative Development and Institutional Advocacy Reform Palestine (State of) Completed Agriculture & Fisheries, Climate & Environment, Rural Development